The Verminlord Deceiver !
I always loved that miniature, though, I couldn't see myself buying it due to how fragile it looked...
So, the size was an issue... It might sounds stupid when obviously you want a "big guy".
It was thus, an opportunity to tweak it and find a cool pose and motion while having a coherent base with the rest of the army. Plus I wanted to carry it safely, and thus minimizing the space and volume the miniature may take in my Gw case.
processed that, the idea really came quickly with cutting the
Verminlord in two...
Risky bet, but I was convinced that, somehow, he could be pictured as "springing" from the earth and attacking a city;
well "THE" cobbled city where my army and story takes life.
I remember cutting it just above both ankles. I had to glue the first part of the tail, and cut the rest.
Several additional changes crossed my mind like changing the left arm for the pestilens version while keeping the throwing star.
I first put, on the left hand part, my cobblestone layer, on wich I glued the Verminlord, I then added some green stuff around the now empty ankles to fix him to the base.
Then started the messy stuff, I added GW sand, and bits of red brick
(that you can find from your local Model Shop), and broken part of my
cobblestones, to cover the ankles and the tail that are completely cut. It helped me hide part of the miniature, and add a bit of coherence to the fact that he destroyed part of the city and "flies" toward the rest of it.
I added bigger stones that you can find with the GW sands and painted them in green (recipe found in older articles), to represent Warpstones.
I used different colors for my gold, with a base of Retributor Armor, I then added some Nuln Oil to darken it, and went for a second layer of pure Retributor Armor. I then added some Waywatcher Green, quite heavily on the recesses. Then a mix of Retributor and Runefang Steel on some edges. To finish with somes dots of Ryza Rust and Nihilakh Oxide here and there.
I added a bit of "life", using the ruin provided with the Verminlord kit, I also added the jumping rat that comes with the Greey Seer.
